Gwenola Walka-Steiner
Conference Interpreter & Translator (AIIC)
German — French — English
Specialised areas:
- Politics & law: international relations, EU, foreign & security policy, governance, transformation processes, development cooperation, procurement, administration
- Environment & energy: waste & water management, mobility, urban planning, climate change, renewable energies
- Business: Employee & management training, HR, marketing and PR, market research, taxation & fiscal policy, the creative economy
- Education & social affairs: education & employment policy, youth affairs, socioeconomics
- Technology: demolition industry, construction & building materials industry, transport, industrial plants
Gwenola Walka-Steiner
Phone: +49 (0)30 61 62 98 59
Mobile: +49 (0)173 66 155 97

Gwenola Walka-Steiner
Phone: +49 (0)30 61 62 98 59
Mobile: +49 (0)173 66 155 97
Studied interpreting & translating in Germany (Saarland University), Ireland (Dublin City University, Dublin)and in Belgium (Institut supérieur de traducteurs et interprètes ISTI, Brussels). Has been working as a freelance interpreter for German, French and English in Germany and internationally since 2001. Key activities include accompanying international delegations in Germany and abroad, as well as organizing and coordinating major international projects, including putting together interpreting teams and organising the required equipment.
Member of AIIC, International Association of Conference Interpreters.
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